Enter Loan Data:
Car Price:
Annual interest:
Loan Duration:
Down Payment:
Discount on the car:
Trade-in Value:
Leftover at Trade-in:
Add Fees and Taxes to:
Registration Fees:
Sales Tax Rate:
YearOpening balanceInterestPrincipalEnding balance
Year 160,000.003,366.998,565.4851,434.52
Year 251,434.522,838.699,093.7942,340.73
Year 342,340.732,277.819,654.6732,686.06
Year 432,686.061,682.3310,250.1522,435.91
Year 522,435.911,050.1210,882.3611,553.56
Year 611,553.56378.9211,553.560.00

Monthly payment: $994.37

Pay Upfront: $6,080.00
Total Loan: $60,000.00
Total Interest: $11,594.88
Sales Tax Amount: $4,080.00
Total of 72 Payments: $71,594.88
Loan Distribution
Loan Balance, Interest Payments
Created by

While paying for a Car, RV, Motorhome, or Camper with cash comes with numerous advantages, it’s not necessarily the best choice for everyone. For instance, if you’re offered an exceptionally low-interest rate on an auto loan and have alternative investment opportunities with the available funds that promise higher returns, it could be more financially beneficial to invest the money rather than paying in cash. Another advantage of opting for financing can be a strategic move for someone looking to improve their credit score. By taking out a car loan and ensuring they make all monthly payments punctually, they can boost their credit rating, which can positively impact various aspects of their personal finances.

Many individuals opt for various types of vehicle financing when acquiring an RV, Motorhome, Camper, or Car. These loans function similarly to standard secured loans provided by financial institutions. Typically, they come with fixed terms, which can span 3, 5, 6, or even 7 years in the United States. Each month, borrowers are obligated to make payments covering both the principal loan amount and accrued interest to the respective lenders. It’s worth noting that failing to repay the borrowed funds can have legal consequences, potentially leading to the repossession of the vehicle, whether it’s an RV, Motorhome, Camper, or Car.

Benefits of Dealership Financing and Direct Lending

In the realm of car financing, two primary options prevail: direct lending and dealership financing. Direct lending involves securing a traditional loan from a bank, credit union, or financial institution. Once an agreement is reached with a dealership to purchase a car, camper, RV, or motorhome, the direct lender provides the necessary funds for the new vehicle. On the other hand, dealership financing operates similarly, except that the auto loan and associated paperwork are initiated and completed through the dealership itself. Auto loans facilitated by dealerships are often managed by captive lenders affiliated with specific vehicle manufacturers. While the dealership retains the contract, it’s common for it to be later transferred or sold to a bank or another financial institution known as an assignee, which ultimately services the loan.

Direct lending affords buyers more control, allowing them to approach a dealership with most of their financing already arranged. This approach also puts pressure on the dealership to offer competitive interest rates. Additionally, getting pre-approved for a loan doesn’t lock buyers into a single dealership, giving them the freedom to explore other options. In contrast, dealer financing limits the choices available for interest rate comparison, although it remains a convenient choice for those who prefer a streamlined process or face challenges securing an auto loan through direct lending.

Car manufacturers frequently incentivize vehicle sales by offering attractive financing deals through dealerships. Prospective buyers seeking a new RV, motorhome, camper, or car should begin their financing search with these manufacturers. It’s not uncommon to find low-interest rates such as 0%, 0.9%, 1.9%, or 2.9% when working directly with car manufacturers.

Car, Camper, Motorhome or RV rebates (discounts)

Car, Camper, Motorhome or RV manufacturers often use rebates as a tempting offer to encourage buyers, sweetening the deal on a purchase. However, the way these rebates are taxed can fluctuate based on state regulations. Normally calculation of sales tax is based on the original price rather than the reduced amount. The good news for buyers is that in numerous states cash rebates are exempt from taxation, providing a financial advantage. To take this into account – you’ll need to pick the state in your calculation here (if available) if it comes about the United States, otherwise, we are assuming here a full Car, Camper, Motorhome or RV price will be taxable.


When you buy a Camper, Motorhome, or RV, there are additional expenses beyond the sticker price, most of which are fees that can typically be included in your vehicle loan financing or paid upfront. However, individuals with low credit scores may find themselves required to pay these fees upfront. Here’s a rundown of common fees associated with auto purchases in the United States:

  • Sales Tax (depending on the state)
  • Document Fees (for processing documents)
  • Title and Registration Fees (collected by states)
  • Advertising Fees (typically included in cost by dealer)
  • Destination Fee (shipment fee)
  • Insurance (mandatory in the U.S. and many countries)

If you choose to include these fees in your auto loan, be sure to select the “Loan amount” option.


A trade-in involves selling your vehicle to a dealership in return for credit that can be applied to the purchase of another vehicle. It’s important to keep realistic expectations when trading in older cars at dealerships. Typically, selling older vehicles privately and using the proceeds for a future car purchase tends to yield a more favorable financial outcome. In many states where sales tax is levied on auto purchases (although not all states do this), the sales tax is calculated based on the price difference between the new car and the trade-in vehicle.

However, it’s worth noting that some states do not offer any reduction in sales tax when trade-ins are involved. This Car, RV, Camper, and Motorhome Loan Calculator automatically adjusts the sales tax calculation method based on the state’s regulations, taking into account the Trade-in Value provided. If the state will not be provided or determined automatically by our website, we will presume that the trade-in value has taken off from the taxable amount.


Zemtsov, I. “Car Loan Calculator”. PubliCalculator.com, 10th Jan 2024. Published at: https://publicalculator.com/car-loan-calculator. Accessed: Jul 12, 2024.